THE ABCs FOR FIRST YEAR TEACHERS A dmit your mistakes -- and learn from them. B e firm but flexible. C ommunicate with parents. D evelop a homework policy -- and stick to it. E mpower your students; don't just lecture to them. F ind time to attend after-school events. G et to know all the teachers in your school and make friends with the cooks, custodians, aides, and secretaries. H ave the courage to try something else if what you're doing isn't working. I nstitute a clear discipline policy -- and enforce it consistently. J ust listen -- both to what the kids are saying and to what they're not saying. K eep a journal. L earn your school's policies and procedures. M odel desired attitudes and behavior. N on carborundum ignorami. (Don't let the imbeciles wear you down.) O verplan. P repare interesting lessons. Q uit worrying and just do your best. R emember that you teach students first, then you teach whatever academic discipline you learned...
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