
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2017


Tips for Teaching #1: For the Beginning of the Semester Make the first day count. Discuss a core idea, pose a typical problem, or ask students to complete a group exercise. By moving into the course material, you're telling students that the course is well organized, well paced and worthwhile. #2: For Using E-mail Use e-mail to enhance class participation. Provide a tutor in the first week to help students learn how to use the computers. To get the discussion started, ask students to generate comments or questions for discussion. Electronic conversations increase student participation, encourage collaboration, and require critical thinking. #3: End of Class Review Take five minutes at the end of each class to ask students to summarize the ideas presented, to solve a sample problem, to apply information to a new situation or to write their reactions to the day's class. Doing so throughout the semester can help you know what you can do to strengthen your te...


Effective teaching: 10 tips on what works and what doesn’t The question of what makes a great teacher has been around for a long time. It’s an enquiry that poses many problems because there’s simply no set recipe for success, and different approaches work for different professionals and students. The Sutton Trust has published a  report that reviews the research into effective teaching , finding that popular practices, such as lavishing praise on students or allowing them to discover key things for themselves, actually have no grounding in research. The author of the report, professor  Robert Coe  from Durham University, says this is a “starter kit” for thinking about what makes good teaching. So, what does the report recommend? Here are 10 salient points to take away: 1. Know your subject The report, which looked at more than 200 pieces of research, found that there were six main elements to great teaching and one of the most important ones was subject kn...


5 Tips for Teaching the Tough Kids Every teacher remembers his or her first "tough kid" experience. Maybe the student ignored your directions or laughed at your attempts to utilize the classroom discipline steps. We all have at least one story to share, and for some teachers, teaching a tough kid is a daily challenge. It seems that no matter what teaching techniques you try to pull out of your educator hat, nothing changes their behavior. I've had the privilege of teaching some tough kids. I say "privilege" for a reason. Teaching these students pushed me to be a better educator and a more compassionate person. I've detailed below five methods that have reduced misbehavior in my classroom and, better still, helped transform these students into leaders among their peers. 1. Set the Tone I firmly believe that a student's misbehavior in the past does not necessarily equate to future indiscretions. At the beginning of the school year, I would wal...


Use the target language in lessons The more you expose your students to the target language, the better. Occasionally, speaking English may be necessary, but a lot of the time, it is not. Immersing your students in the target language helps them use it more independently and this can lead to increased confidence and better vocabulary. Students enjoy listening to ‘real people’ speaking the target language, so get your colleagues involved. If a teacher with some knowledge of the target language comes into your classroom, involve them in the immersive experience. If they are struggling, the students can help them improve their language skills. If they already speak to a high level, it shows the communicative value of language skills. Encourage students and staff to use the language, even if they make mistakes, and emphasise that communication is the key. Language assistants  are able to provide support to teachers, particularly those who haven’t spoken ...



Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014




Time to improve English speaking skills

How To Improve Your Speaking Skills You are unlikely to learn to speak a new language perfectly, but perfection should not be your goal. Your main goal should be effective communication. I am not perfect in any of the languages that I speak, but I can communicate, and whenever I communicate in another language I’m satisfied. I also know from experience that my ability to speak and to pronounce well will only improve with time, as long as I remain alert to what I hear and read, and how I use the language Please, watch the video! 😉

Idioms with parts of body


How to learn english grammar

Hey! do you know that grammar is very important thing in learning foreign languages? I want to share with you this video about grammar. I hope it will be usefull for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Y1UJb2fvc

Using ICT in the English classroom

There is no doubt that almost everything we do nowadays is somehow  connected with technology. Without technology, life would be more difficult than it already is, knowledge would be limited and more difficult to achieve. The incorporation of  ICT at schools has changed the education a lot. Computers represent an inexhaustible source of material for teachers and pupils. Teachers, for example, can find all kind of valuable, beautiful and incredible material (flashcards, crosswords, pictures, bingos …) if they surf the Internet. This can help them to prepare the lessons better and to save time to devote to doing other things. Our pupils like working with  ICT , because it is very  motivating and enjoyable; we all know computers are a very useful support for teaching the curriculum, and the students also perceive this idea. In my opinion, those teachers involved in the innovative practices in both primary and secondary schools can see how their classroom pra...




5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers 1.Use a normal, natural voice Are you teaching in your normal voice? Every teacher can remember this from the first year in the classroom: spending those first months talking at an above-normal range until one day, you lose your voice. Raising our voice to get students' attention is not the best approach, and the stress it causes and the vibe it puts in the room just isn't worth it. The students will mirror your voice level, so avoid using that semi-shouting voice. If we want kids to talk at a normal, pleasant volume, we must do the same. You want to also differentiate your tone. If you are asking students to put away their notebooks and get into their groups, be sure to use a declarative, matter-of-fact tone. If you are asking a question about a character in a short story, or about contributions made by the Roman Empire, use an inviting, conversational tone. 2. Speak only when students are quiet and ready ...


THE ABCs FOR FIRST YEAR TEACHERS A dmit your mistakes -- and learn from them. B e firm but flexible. C ommunicate with parents. D evelop a homework policy -- and stick to it. E mpower your students; don't just lecture to them. F ind time to attend after-school events. G et to know all the teachers in your school and make friends with the cooks, custodians, aides, and secretaries. H ave the courage to try something else if what you're doing isn't working. I nstitute a clear discipline policy -- and enforce it consistently. J ust listen -- both to what the kids are saying and to what they're not saying. K eep a journal. L earn your school's policies and procedures. M odel desired attitudes and behavior. N on carborundum ignorami. (Don't let the imbeciles wear you down.) O verplan. P repare interesting lessons. Q uit worrying and just do your best. R emember that you teach students first,  then  you teach whatever academic discipline you learned...




8 Tips For Teachers 1.  Don’t tell the student “slow down” or “ just relax.” 2.  Don’t complete words for the student or talk for him or her. 3.  Help all members of the class learn to take turns talking and listening. All students — and especially those who stutter — find it much easier to talk when there are few interruptions and they have the listener’s attention. 4 . Expect the same quality and quantity of work from the student who stutters as the one who doesn’t. 5.  Speak with the student in an unhurried way, pausing frequently. 6.  Convey that you are listening to the content of the message, not how it is said. 7.  Have a one-on-one conversation with the student who stutters about needed accommodations in the classroom. Respect the student’s needs, but do not be enabling. 8.  Don’t make stuttering something to be ashamed of. Talk about stuttering just like any other matter.




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Here some useful video HOW TO RECORD A PODCAST! Enjoy😉


Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful students . . . 1. . . . are responsible and active.💃 Successful students get involved in their studies, accept responsibility for their own education, and are active participants in it! Responsibility is the difference between leading and being led. Active classroom participation improves grades without increasing study time. You can sit there, act bored, daydream, or sleep. Or you can actively listen, think, question, and take notes like someone in charge of their learning experience. Either option costs one class period. However, the former method will require a large degree of additional work outside of class to achieve the same degree of learning the latter provides at one sitting. 2. . . . have educational goals.🔑 Successful students are motivated by what their goals represent in terms of career aspirations and life's desires. Ask yourself thes...